Lions at dawn
Lion pride on a termite mound at first light
Lion pride on a termite mound at first light
Wild dogs feeding on impala tolerate the presence of a hyena who actually helped them anchor the carcass so they could shred it.
This again is one of those images that captures a split second but took 5 years to get.
One of my favorite places in the world is the Skeleton Coast in Namibia. Having the opportunity to photograph lions out here is phenomenal.
Cheetah cubs playing tag. Their mother has become affectionately known as "Super Mom" as she has raised most of her cubs to adulthood. At present there are 6 cubs in this litter @chitabecamp in the Okavango
These purple hues in the dawn light is something I've only seen in Botswana. It adds a new and unusual point of interest in a wildlife image
The cheetah population at Chitabe camp in the Okavango is doing extremely well and there are a few females raising 5 or 6 cubs making for some amazing photographic opportunities. Not all will survive till adulthood
Sometimes it is just the color in an image that creates the simplicity that I strive for. The orange out of focus grass helps the lions face to pop from the image. If this flat light portrait was shot anywhere else it would have been boring.
This is a moment, a split second to record and four and a half months to get. A male cheetah bringing down a lechwe.
A moment of contrasts, a predator that is usually only found in the dry desert areas of Africa walking through rain pools in the Okavango