Cheetah, Supermom and her cubs
Cheetah and cubs on a termite mound before sunrise at Chitabe camp in the Okavango delta of Botswana
Elephant mom protecting her calf from lions
Female elephants are formidable protectors and this was tested to the limit when the pride of lions became very interested in her calf
Swamp leopards
I’ve had the privilege to photograph all the big predators in and around the waters of the Okavango. One of the most elusive images has to definitely be that of a leopard- but here it is- finally
Lions don’t always win
The reality is that lions seldom win, but when they do they win big
Wildlife portraits
Look for something different, be it color, texture or contrasty light to highlight a subject, even focus will work with the right image
Cheetah adapting to a watery environment
I’ve featured lions, wild dogs, hyenas and many other predators in the waters of the Okavango, but its not often one gets the opportunity to document a desert dwelling predator killing in the flood waters.
Patterns in nature
One of the hardest things to find and photograph in nature is patterns, texture and repetition.
Swamp cats
Swamp lions with their unique interaction with water are one of the things that makes Botswana’s Okavango delta so special.